Rolling In The Deep (John Legend Cover)

F*cking Ninjas is taking part in Pr!ck PhotoStudio & ArtDesign Picture Fest which starts today January 16 and runs till January 23rd. You can find the picture fest here and more information on everything here. I am showing you a few new exclusive poses for the fest from F*cking Ninja..I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend for posing with me  and allowing me to put a gun to her head . She’s my “down for whatever” bitch. lol ❤

I’m showing the couples pose called “Execution” it also comes with the gun and the single poses Diva & Oscar Wilde. I hope you all get a chance to go down and find some unique poses. As bloggers aside from styling we always need poses so go down get you some new poses people.


Be Happy, Happy Shopping.-Simone




Diva (On The Left), Oscar Wilde Pose (On The Right)


Execution (Couples Pose)

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